Pictures of Persian Cats ®

Persian Cat CH Maximillian RIP 2004~2017

Male Cream Point Persian Himalayan Cat

Persian Cat Maximillian was a one in a zillion persian cat. He was the kitten LOVE of my Life! He was the reason I started breeding, to continue his legacy. Which was more than accomplished. If you look through the Kitten Picture Gallery, you’ll see all the beautiful persian kittens that he sired. Even his mating two times with Calico Persians produced such amazing kittens like Vinnie, and Jagger. Ch Maxi was my constant companion. From sleeping on me at night to waking up to his kisses. Then getting the morning meal of chicken breast and Goat milk ready for all the kittens and cats, Maxi was next to me at all times. He even shared my meals, he had to taste everything I ate. He loved ice cream and guacamole, even the chips! If he saw that I ate something, he would meow to me to have a taste. He was so smart and had his language with me.CH  Maxi liked going in the yard with me to garden too. He’d follow me through the whole garden. When I worked on projects at home, Maxi had to inspect every tool. He was interested in everything I did. When putting makeup on, he would grab my hand to smell the lipstick. He was a miracle cat. CH Maxi and Coco’s first litter, from that kitten arrival we got our two precious Persian Kittens CH Maxim and CH Rocky. You can see by this picture that this brother and sister team could not be split-that’s why they stayed with us. You can see both CH Maxim and CH Rocky in many of the kitten pictures and videos. They help their mother with all the kittens… Rocky is a “Mama’s Boy,” he’ll clean and groom his mommie while after she delivers her kittens, and as she nurses. He has amazing caring instincts. CH Maxim helps with new kittens too, by grooming them, and keeping them well groomed.

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Persian Cat Coco’s Gallery RIP 2005~2017

Lilac Cream Point Persian Himalayan Cat

Persian Cat Coco was a Supreme Grand Champion of a mother. Coco was an amazing girl. She was so sweet. She was happiest when she had kittens to care for. Even when her daughter CH Maxim had kittens, Mommie Coco would help her groom her kittens. Coco let her favorite son CH Rocky nurse on her even when he got bigger, they were close. They would groom each other. Keeping Coco & Maxi’s first litter gave us CH Maxim and CH Rocky. We couldn’t part with them they had to stay. A nice solid family core throughout all the matings and kitten arrivals, the family would help with the new kittens. We had created an amazing Dynasty of Maxi & Coco persian kittens. Nearly all the lilac point males were clones of CH Rocky, even the females looked like him. Coco’s cream point kittens were all gorgeous with her blue eyes, and kind temperament. When we get updates by our Proud Owners, and we hear about all the great quality of personalities that the kittens have. Which is what keeps us going. Making many families happy with our persian kittens.

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Persian Cat CH Maxim’s Gallery

Female Cream Point Persian Himalayan Cat

CH Maxim is our Beauty Queen, and had become our first homegrown CFA Chmapion Persian Cat. CH Maxim is an elegant kitten, all her movements are sweeping and graceful. Maxim is a female version of her Daddy CH Maxi, whom she is named after. She loves and takes care of all the persian kittens from her Mommie Coco. She loves her brother CH Rocky and little sister CH Priscilla. CH Maxim is a joy to have, she is like my right hand~always near my side. Maxim is sweet & purrfect in everyway! (CH before any cats name means they are CFA Champions). CH Maxim has produced so many gorgeous persian kittens for The Persian She is an amazing mother. When she doesn’t have kittens, and her mother Coco does, CH Maxim will take one or two of her mothers kittens and will nurse them.CH Maxim always helps groom Coco’s kittens. It’s a wonderful site!

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Persian CH Rocky’s Gallery

Male Lilac Point Persian Himalayan Cat

Rocky was the first born at 2:22 pm. He was 101 grams at birth. Even as a newborn kitten, he was very attached to his sister Maxim, and us. Every time I would look in on him, he would lay on his back and tug at my hair, and kick his legs like and gurgle like a baby very sweet! Rocky pretty much picked us, and he stayed with us. Rocky loves his sister Maxim so much, they played like a cartoon, flying all through the house. Rocky has loved his little sister CH Priscilla too. He will groom and clean his mother and sisters, and help his mommie Coco with all the newborn kittens. Rocky has grown into a Champion and is now CH Rocky! When people request a kitten, “I want Rocky” is what we often hear in the forms, and looking through the Proud Owners pages you’ll see that many of our male lilac point persian kittens turn out to be clones of Rocky !

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Persian Cat CH Priscilla’s Gallery

Female Cream Point Persian Himalayan Cat

Persian Kittens Priscilla is a female Cream Lynx Point Persian Himalayan kitten. Priscilla’s is so petitie and her fur is so thick that looked like a little chick. Priscilla is very sweet and yet she is also a little tomboy. Prisilla walks like a little Super model-very confident. She loves to play catch too and will bring the ball back just like a little puppy. She got along so well with her big brother and sister Maxim & Rocky, she had to stay with us! She turned into a gorgeous persian cat and won and earned the title of Champion~Persian Kittens © CH Priscilla! CH Priscilla had some of the cutest kittens we’ve ever had with CH Fabian.

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Persian Cat CH Fabian Gallery

Male Flame Lynx Poimt Persian Himalayan Cat

Persian Kittens VI were 3 boys, & 2 girls-Brando a lilac point, Leo a cream point, Riley a lilac point, Demi & Bibi both lilac cream point persian kittens. These were Angelic Persian Kittens. These kittens loved to be groomed and kissed a lot, even before their eyes opened early at 7 days. Although it was summer when they were born, thses kittens had very thick full coats of fur. They were exceptionally beautifull, so much so that 3 of these kittens were adopted by people that adopted from The Persian Kitten® before. Rocky, Fabian and Maxim helped mommie again groom and take care of these kittens.

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Persian Cat CH Olivia’s Gallery I

Female Blue Eyed White Persian Cat

Persian kitten Olivia is a blue eyed white persian that we adopted from Isse Venter at Fluffy Farms Cattery. Olivia’s mother ia a white persian with one blue eye and one green eye. Her Daddy is a Champion Cream Point Persian Himalayan. Olivia is my little Joy. She never walks, she runs, she has so much energy. She always loves to play. She is my sweetheart when it’s time to sleep, she sleeps next to my head, and I rub her, and she will purr which helps put me to sleep. She loves me to groom her pretty fur. She has such big eyes. She looks like Hello Kitty. She will make a great addition to our breeding program. I know she will be a great mommie because she grooms the other kittens we have. She’s so precious. Her kittens will be so cute. We plan on mating her with CH Maximillian. The kittens will be outrageously cute. We plan on Showing Olivia in the CFA Shows. We hope she does well, and will Champion. She has done well and is now a CFA Champion!

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Persian Cat CH Maxwell’s Gallery

Male Flame Point Persian Himalayan Persian Cat

We adopted CH Maxwell from Kimera Hoga at Devanchire Cattery. Maxwell’s daddy is a Regiaional Winner, a Grand Champion, and a Best Flame Point Persian Himalayan Cat. Maxwell’s mother is a beautiful Flame Point Persian Himalayan Cat. Maxwell is so fluffy. You can barely see his legs because his fur is so long and full. He has the cutest face and gigantic cheeks, and when he looks at me with his big blue eyes my heart just melts. He is so playful, and plays with the other 2 new girls I adopted for my breeding program. They chase each other, and wrestle with each other. Maxwell has so much energy. He is so sweet too. He sleeps in bed with me every night,, and lets me pet him as much as I like. I pick him up and kiss him and do a “flip” to the ground. He likes to be groomed, he purrs while I comb him out. He will make a great addition to our breeding program. I know he will be a great daddy because she grooms the other kittens we have. Maxwell is like my little stuffed toy. We plan on mating him with CH Maxim, and Coco. The kittens will be outrateously cute. We plan on Showing Maxwell in the CFA Shows. We hope he does well, and will Champion, and if we are lucky, a Grand Champion! We are proud to report that Maxwell is now CH Maxwell, which means he is now a CFA Champion, with points towards his Grand Championionship !

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Persian Cat Petulia’s Gallery

Female Long Haired Exotic Cream Point Persian Cat

Petulia was born to a litter of five healthy kittens from the mating of RW SGC CH Alfenloch Icing Sugar of Zinia a Flame Point Persian Himalayan, and Morning Star Miss South Africa Mandy a Blue Cream Point. Both coming from Issie at Fluffy Farm Cattery who has amazing kittens. We are so pleased Issie has allowed us to adopt Petulia for our Breeding Program. She is a very healthy weight. She wil be medium small 5-7 lbs. Petulia will look almost pure white, her points are very faint. It only took 3 days for Petulia to answer to her name. She immediately got along with all the adults at The Persian Kittens®. Petulia is so pretty I want to kiss her a lot, and she lets me while purring. She slept with me the first night and has every night since. She meows a lot, she is very talkative, she has the cutest little raspy meow. Petulia is very playful, and chases CH Ursula, and CH Olivia. They love to play tag. Petulia has bonded with CH Ursula. They groom each other and snuggle up together & sleep at the side of my legs in bed, and purr. Petulia follows me everywhere, even when I wake up in the middle of the night, she gets up too. She is so sweet. She lets me do anything to her, groom her, bathe her, hold her like a baby, etc. She is a very happy kitten. We predict she will be a wonderful mother, and have beautiful kittens. Petulia will have the Championship winning looks of her Father Issing and Mother Mandy.

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Persian Cat CH Ursula’s Gallery

Female Lilac Cream Point Persian Himalayan Cat

We adopted CH Ursula from Winn Place Cattery. Ursula’s mother is a Lilac Cream Point Persian Himalayan. Her Daddy is a Cream Point Persian Himalayan. Her Daddy’s side has both Grandparents are Grand Champions. Ursula is like a little toy. She Likes to follow me around. She always loves to play. She is my sweetheart. She sleeps on my legs which keeps me warm. She loves me to groom her pretty fur. She has such big eyes. She will make a great addition to our breeding program. She is a great mommie. She’s so precious. Her kittens are so cute. We plan on mating her with CH Maxwell. The kittens are outrateously cute. Her kittens are highly praised by their new Pet Parents. The kittens are so beautiful, and are so loved because they have great personalities. We plan on Showing Ursula in the CFA Shows. We hope she does well, and will Champion. She has done well and is now a CFA Champion !

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Persian Cat CH Maksim’s Gallery

Male Flame Point Persian Himalayan Cat

CH Maks came to us from The Fluffy Farm Cattery. Maks’s Father is CH Sandypaws Teddy Bear. Sandypaws is known for their electric deep blue eyes, and Maks definitely got those genes. Maks likes me to kiss his whole face. Maks is a very confident, laid back kitty and doesn’t fuss when I pick him up and hold him. Maks will stand at my feet and meow, he wants me to pick up, and starts purring right away. Maks has a very cute and very round face with chubby cheeks. He loves to sleep & snuggle with me. He purrs as soon as I touch him. He loves to be groomed with the pick comb I have. I have to use a pick because his fur is so long and thick. His fur is so white, and his Flame Points are only a little bit on his points. Maks is outstanding. He has a perfect round head with no bumps. Wide set small ears. Short heavy cobby body. That’s why he won his Championship. He is now called CH Maks. He is not just a pretty boy. He has a sweet, loving personality for me, but a demon playing personality with his playmate Petulia. They scramble around the house and play. Then you can find them grooming each other’s faces. They make a cute couple.

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Persian Cat Pandora’s Gallery

Female Cream Point Persian Himalayan Cat

Persian Kittens Pandora is a Female Cream Point Persian Himalayan Persian Kitten. Born June 15, 2018, and coming from the same breeder as CH Maks, and CH Olivia. Pandora is one of the kitten loves of my life! She wants to be everywhere I am. She will even wake up at night and follow me to the washroom and want me to rub her gorgeous head. She has one of the most Beautiful cat faces that I have ever seen. Pandora’s eyes are a big clear crystal bright blue. She is so sweet. Pandora is a great snuggler. She will sleep next to me all night. She keeps me warm. She is so caring too. She grooms all the kitten’s faces. The videos of this are on her webpage. She engages the kittens in play too. She has so much energy. Pandora has the thickest fur I have ever seen on a persian kitten! I hope to show her and Champion her !

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Pictures of Persian Cats ® at The Persian =(^:^)=