We take pride in raising Beautiful Healthy Kittens in our cageless-no cat enclosures home where the needs of our Kittens and Cats are at the forefront of all we do. Visit our “Persian Kittens Available” page to see our available persian kittens that are available now. We will be updating our website weekly to post the persian kittens as they become available. We now feature new colors of Persian Kittens. The most sought after blue eyed white persians, now featuring green eyed white persian kittens,red tabby persian kittens, black persian kittens, shaded blue silver persian kittens and solid blue persian kittens and new to us is Brown Patched Mac Tabby Persian Kittens. We now offer low cost financing!!! Our Persian Kittens are never isolated in any way and allowed to go anywhere they want to go in our clean stress free, environmentally friendly home. All our Persian Kittens & Persian Cats are members of our family and cared and loved for as our own children. We intentionally limit the amount of breeding cats we have. We are small so that we can devote all our attention to our Persian Kittens & Persian Cats. Our Persian Cats are our cherished pets, which is why we rarely have “retired” cats. We are a Persian Cat Breeder with more than 2 decades of breeding and show experience, & over 3 decades of both human and feline nutrition experience. We’re Persian Cat Breeders of the most sought after and rare lynx colorpoint persians: cream point, flame points, lilac point persians, chocolate point persians, shaded golden persians, shaded blue silver persians and blue eyed white persians. Our cream points persian himalayans are especially light and look like pure white persian kittens. Our girls are very petite, and grow to an average of 5-6 lbs, & our boys are 9~11 lbs at the heaviest. None of our male persian kittens spray!!!
Persian Kittens are Designer Persian Kittens that have very distinct looks~sweet wide open faces, full kissable cheeks, & big round expressive crystal blue eyes also unique to us The Baby Doll Face Persian Kittens. We at ThePersianKittens.com are the only CFA breeder breeding the Baby Doll Face persian kittens. All our Kittens have plush, elegant, long full and glossy coats, thick full lions manes-also called “rough,” & flowing thick tails. We have worked to “Design” a persian kitten that meets Champion Persian
Breed Standards without extreme faces! ***(anytime you see a CH before our Persian Cat’s name that means that Cat has won the title of Champion)*** . Our Designer Persian Kittens have pleasing round cute kitten faces which they keep as they turn into grown Persian Cats. Our persian kittens are the most adorable and loving kittens you’ll ever experience. Not only are our persian kittens lap kittens that purr as soon as they are touched, they are also very playful, outgoing & attentive, and love to follow you around~they act a lot like little puppies!
We are rewarded everyday with the immense love of our Persian Cats and Persian Kittens, and rewarded with the updates on how fulfilled our Proud Owners are with our Persian Kittens. (read more comments and updates about our persian kittens in our Proud Owners page), (See our affectionate & smart persian kittens doing tricks such as high fives in our persian kittens videos)
Kittens at The Persian Kittens®.com are the healthiest kittens, both physically and emotionally. In an effort to maintain the integrity of the breed and health of mother and her kittens, we limit the amount of times actual mating occurs. We want the best in looks, health, genetics, and want to maintain The Persian Kittens ® CFA Championship lines. Play and interaction increases physical coordination and social skills. Our persian kittens are touched and played with everyday, we sing to them,
we include our kittens in all family activities, bathe, groom, massage (yes massage–they all love it and it has been found to heal sick and shy kittens!). We include comb outs into their daily interaction and play activities. Which is one of the reasons all our kittens love to be touched, and never shy away from people. Mommie is massaged while she nurses-which makes “happy milk,” and happy kittens! Our persian kittens are well trained by the sixth week, and answer to their names (see them answer to names as soon as their eyes open in our persian kittens videos)!
Our kittens are taught to use their scratchpost as soon as they can walk, which is why they do not to scratch or jump on furniture. Our persian kittens always USE their scratch post! Our kittens are litter AND toilet trained at 6 weeks-(no scooping cat litter means a cleaner home & less allergies!). Our Persian Kittens are non destructive-which makes them a pleasant pet companion ~ no worries for their owners!
Persian Kittens® mother Coco and father CH Maxi (read more about our Star and CFA Champion) and older siblings help raise the kittens, and are always kept together as seen in the natural settings in all our persian kitten pictures. CH Rocky, and CH Fabian will help groom our newborn persian kittens-which is amazing since they are male persian cats! View the video of our male persian cats nursing our newborn kittens!
Persian kittens are introduced to children and other family pets early so they will get along in all family situations. Our persian kittens are patient & tolerant with children. We have no alpha, or dominant personalities. Under no circumstance is a kitten or cat at The Persian Kittens® ever disciplined! There is no need to when a kitten is in a stress free home & knows only love and positive reinforcement. Our persian kittens are well behaved and make loving, affectionate, devoted loyal family companions.
Persian kittens are taken out for rides in the car, and pet stroller for long walks where they encounter many people, children and dogs. Since we take our kitten out for walks and rides, our Persian Kittens® usually walk into their pet carriers when it is time to go to the vet or travel etc.
Persian Kittens® take a natural holistic approach for our Kittens Care & Nutrition. All kittens & cats are fed a special hand prepared, high protein, nocarb, raw diet (no wheat, corn, or soy fillers and everything is USA made only!) We use only local farm raised grass-fed fresh meats not frozen. We supplement their diet with high grade vitamins & minerals, including DHA Omega 3 fish oils for brain power, and herbs from our own garden for organic catnip. We don’t have to worry about pet recalls. They only drink purified water, (purified water makes their eyes and coat bright and shiny, and reduces tartar buildup). All this makes a solid foundation for a well adjusted, happy, healthy, playful and loyal persian kitten that can easily fit into any new loving home. If all kittens were given the healthy foundation we’ve given our persian kittens, there would be no unwanted kittens.
Our Persian Kittens are given a health-guarantee, and a Certified Health Certificate signed by a state licenced Veterinarian verifying the perfect health of all our persian kittens. Our Persian Kittens go home at 10-12 weeks, are Vet checked, de-wormed and are current on shots. We guarantee NO problems. We want you to be happy with our kittens, which is why we offer a life-time of ” kitten tech support.” That means we have an open-door policy, and are always available for any question you may have with the persian kitten you adopt from us. If we don’t have an answer-we will find an answer. We are often contacted from people for advice even if they have adopted elsewhere. We want everyone that adopts one of our kittens to feel comfortable with any questions or concerns about their new persian kitten! As a registered CFA cattery, a CFA pedigree for each kitten is available certifying it as a purebred Persian Kitten from our Champion and Grand Champion lines. A Purebred Cat is a cat whose ancestors (usually over 3 to 5 generations) are the same breed. A Persian Cat without an established and registered pedigree is classed as a domestic longhair cat. A pedigree is the only way to ensure a kitten is indeed a purebred Persian Kitten, without a pedigree, you may just be getting an expensive long haired domestic kitten. All The Persian Kittens® are Certified PUREBRED PERSIAN CATS! Read our guide on how to choose a Persian Cat Breeder.
Persian Kittens ® are not merely “Persian Cat Breeders,” we are raising kittens that will be loving family members. We strictly follow our Responsible Persian Cat Breeders Statement, that we have developed and refined after many years. Our cattery is FeLV/FIV negative, Cardiomyopathy negative (HCM), and Radiologist and DNA Certified ~ PKD Negative. We are proud to display our CFA_Cattery_of_Excellence_Certification. This certification means we have gone far beyond the requirements for a cattery. We take this very seriously. We consider The Persian Kittens ® much more than a cattery, The Persian Kittens ® Cattery is a home, where our beautiful kittens and cats live and thrive. This distinction shows in the health, condition and temperament of our kittens. It would be difficult to find cuter, healthier, and happier kittens! We have the Best~See for yourself! Feel free to to look and visit often Enjoy!
The Persian Kittens® is a member of The Atlantic Himalayan Club
pictures of Persian Kittens at The Persian Kittens ® =(^:^)=